What is mySuite?

MySuite is a collection of powerful web based tools designed to create quality customer relations and to speed up and organize corporate communications, both internally and externally. Our applications will boost organizational performance, increase productivity and improve profit margins. We provide support, hosting and version updates. There are no signup fees, no termination fee and no long term contract. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time.

And it's much cheaper than you think!

Live Chat Support:
An online tool that enables innovative, differentiated and fast real time contact with customers.

Customer Help Desk:
A ticket recording system that manages the flow of requests between a company and its customers.

Corporate Help Desk:
Similar to the Customer Help Desk, but used internally for providing support to employees.

Knowledge Manager:
A communication channel for sharing, disseminating and distributing corporate information among the members of an organization.

Job Manager:
An effective way to control, manage and track corporate tasks, with the option of grouping them into projects.

An instant messaging application developed to improve real time communication between employees.

Discussion Forum:
An online space where users can share and discuss information and opinions through a series of posts and replies.

Our forum module was created due to frequent requests from some of our customers. These customers wanted a place where an issue or a project could be discussed between a selected group of employees without the need to fix up a meeting or dislocate workers taking part in the activity.

This module allows workspace members to interact through a series of posts and replies that may contain one or more attached files. Authorized users can create or edit topics within the forum and select the users that will be allowed to take part in that topic.

Most forums normally require the member to visit and check for new posts on a regular basis, however our discussion forum immediately notifies all those involved in a topic when there is an update to that topic.

Besides all of these advantages, the modular structure of our software offers your company the freedom to choose, and pay for, only what it really needs. All of our modules are web-based and simple to set up and maintain and other mySuite modules can be added or removed at any time to meet your requirements.

• Messages are archived centrally providing a database of interactions
• Users are instantly notified of updates to topics of their interest
• Multiple files can be attached to posts
• Search tags can be added to topics to speed up searches
• Time between messages allows for reflection on the topic
• Newer users have added time to read and compose answers
• All the users that are taking part in a topic have a voice
• Interaction enhances learning and builds relationships
• Answers to questions can be seen and discussed by all
• Forum discussion is less formal and potentially richer than face to face
• Messages are archived centrally providing a database of interactions
• Procedures are more transparent to all
• Web-based interface accessible from any computer with an internet connection
• Seamless integration into your existing network environment
• There is no need to reorganize your infrastructure
• Data is hosted in a Secure Data Center for increased security
• You don't have to worry about open networks security flaws such as viruses, worms and other threats

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